The PGLMA supports the CHF

The Provincial Grand Lodge Metropolitan Area are supporting the Children’s Health Foundation (CHF) in a metropolitan area initiative to raise funds throughout ’23/’24

CHF Logo

“Bringing Light to Children in Darkness”

 We intend to Raise €95k for the Purchase of an optical coherence tomography machine for the Ophthalmology Department

The impact of what CHF does

Childhood illness in all its forms is persistent, indiscriminate, and often devastating. As many

of the children that pass through the doors of the Children’s Health Ireland sites every day

have rare and complex conditions that are life-limiting or life-threatening, Children’s Health

Foundation know all too well that the burden of disease can have a significant impact on a

child and their family.

CHF is the largest fundraising charity in Ireland supporting sick children. From the delivery of

cutting-edge treatment and technologies to the refurbishment of critical hospital facilities,

we are committed to caring for those children who are most in need.

In 2019 Crumlin Hospital and Temple Street children’s hospital came together to become Children’s Health Foundation, a single unified foundation working to support sick children and their families. Together with urgent care centres Tallaght and Connolly Hospitals CHF are the largest fund-raising charity supporting sick children all over Ireland.

The Equipment – Cost €95,325

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive imaging test. OCT uses light waves to take cross-section pictures of the retina. It is not painful or difficult and can be completed in a few seconds.

The OCT device we are currently using is over 10 years old and OCT technology has developed since the device was originally purchased. As a result of technological advancements this device is not fit for purpose. This is becoming more and more essential, especially since the expansion of the Neurosurgery department in CHI Temple Street. Currently, the hospital is sending, on average, 10 children per month to the Mater Private at a cost of €140 per scan, due to this issue.

This new device will also be used to treat children with glaucoma and other optic nerve conditions such as hereditary optic neuropathies. It could be utilised by other units for the following diseases:

  • Retinopathy of Prematurity
  • Non-accidental Injury and trauma
  • Retinal dystrophies, dysplasia’s, and infantile nystagmus
  • Ocular oncology e.g., retinoblastoma and optic nerve gliomas

 Proposed Fundraising Highlights (80k identified)




Punts for Kids –

Old Punts are worth €1.27 when exchanged at Central Bank


The G-Factor

X-factor event amongst Lodges


Metro Golf

Team Scramble at Edmonstown GC


CHI & M medal

Mint a new medal “Masons for Hospitals”


Lodge Bucket Bearers

Lodge appoints a Bucket bearer who has charge of Raising Money from a particular Venue – i.e. Dublin Airport


Corporate Donations

We have many Large corporates represented by Brethren in the MA Lodges


Family Fund-me page

Younger Brethren and Brethren’s children on Insta promote a Go fund-me page


Lodge Events

Each lodge runs their own event with 50% going to CHI



How Lodges Can help

This is an ambitious yet achievable target. The key to our success will be the lodges working with their brethren’s corporate connections. This will take the form of the following:

  • Sponsorship of specific events such as the “G-Factor” and “Metro Golf”
  • Corporate Donations
  • Placement of Collection Boxes for CHF in Brethren’s place of work, to accept both Euros and Punts (We will then exchange all old Punts collected at €1.27 each)

In addition we ask that Lodges consider the CHF when running specific Fundraising events. We will publish all lodge events on this website.

Finally, we will work with CHF to create a “go fund me” page, which we would ask the brethren of the lodges to publicise externally through their younger members of their families who may be on Instagram and other social media.

Peter Lawless,

Provincial Grand Steward of Charities
